Please join us as we welcome our 2024/25 Board of Directors ✨

Back row from left:
Donald (Duffy) Edgars, Director OMVC
Lisa Bell, Alternate OMVC
Gidin Jaad Erica Reid, Director CHN Skidegate
Michelle (Ooka) Pineault, Alternate Skidegate Band Council
Lori Wiedeman, Director Graham Island South
Karen Dean, Alternate Graham Island South
Stephen (Buck) Grosse, Alternate CHN Old Massett
Flavien Mabit, Director Area E
Front row:
Terry Carty, Alternate Graham Island North
Maureen Bailey, Director Graham Island Central
Huux Percy Crosby, Chair
Lisa Hageman, Director CHN Old Massett
Billy Yovanovich, Director Skidegate Band Council
Bret Johnston, Director Graham Island North
Berry Wijdeven, Alternate Graham Island Central
Desi Collinson, Alternate CHN Skidegate
Laurie Chisholm, Alternate Area E
Haawa | Háw’aa and wishing the very best to outgoing members:
Clyde Greenough, Director Graham Island South (joined 2016)
Geoff Martynuik, Alternate Graham Island South (joined 2022)
Freda Davis, Director OMVC (joined 2021)
Jade Collison, Alternate OMVC (joined 2021)