Grant Stream: Community Innovation
Organization: SD50 Early Learning Program
Project: PALS Drum Program
Award: $4,861.50
PALS (Parents As Literacy Supporters) is a kindergarten based program through School District 50. It brings parents and caregivers of Kindergarten students into the classroom to participate in their children’s learning of Haida and school-based skills.
A significant component of the program is a drum-making workshop. Students not only make their own drums, but also get to take them home, ensuring a lasting connection to their cultural and educational journey.

Early Learning coordinator, Janine Wilson, shares the following from the project’s final report:
“We were very successful with this project and it has become a sought after program that parents wish to participate in. It is a difficult project that can be intimidating to parents and students alike, but they are always happy that they participated in the end.
“Funding for these programs guarantees the opportunity to keep offering these wonderful memories and gifts year after year, which in turn will keep making a positive impact on our communities.”
For more information about PALS or any of the SD50
early learning programs, visit
To learn more about the Community Innovation Grant and to apply online, visit here.