Notice of Nomination

illustration of hands putting a vote into a ballot box

Public notice is given to the electors of Haida Gwaii that nomination for the offices of: 

Director Graham Island Central ONE (1) TO BE ELECTED 

Director Electoral Area “E” (Moresby Island) ONE (1) TO BE ELECTED 

For a 2-year term commencing May 2025 and terminating May 2027. Nomination Documents are available during normal business hours effective January 20th, 2025: 

  • Vancouver Island Regional Library, Sandspit 250-637-2247 
  • Gwaii Trust Office, 162 Raven Ave, Old Massett 250-626-3654 
  • Post Office, Highway 16, Tlell 250-557-8589  
  • Vancouver Island Regional Library, Port Clements 250-557-4402 
  • Online at 


A person is qualified to be nominated and hold a position as Gwaii Trust Director if they meet the following criteria: 

  • 18 years of age or older 
  • Have not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country 
  • Is an individual (that is, a corporation cannot be a director) 
  • Not bankrupt  
  • Haida Gwaii resident for at least two continuous years preceding the nomination 
  • Possess the ability to comprehend and analyze large amounts of written information  
  • Possess knowledge of financial management 


Completed nomination packages can be returned no sooner than January 24th and no later than February 3rd, 2025 @ 1:00pm.  Nomination packages can be turned into the Gwaii Trust office at either 226 Front Street in Skidegate or 162 Raven Avenue in Old Massett, or mailed to P.O. Box 588, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0 or scanned and emailed to  If emailed, then the original nomination package must be delivered to either Gwaii Trust office prior to February 10th, 2025.   


If you require assistance or would like more information on the nomination or election process, please call the Chief Elections Officer, 778-260-0242. 
