Apr 16, 2018 | News
March was a busy month at the Gwaii Trust table. Our board of directors reviewed grant applications for several programs, including Major Contributions, Food Security, and Vibrant Communities.
The largest approval was a $500,000 allocation to GwaiiTel for last mile upgrades to our internet network, which will bring better internet to hundreds of islanders. This application came under our Special Projects category. Under our Major Contributions program, we approved $115,687 to the Skidegate Band Council for its Elders’ Complex and Wellness Centre; $100,000 to the Massett Marine Rescue Society for a new vessel; $79,642 to the Secretariat of the Haida Nation for celebrating and sharing Edge of the Knife; $50,000 to the Village of Masset towards a tsunami evacuation facility; and $50,000 to the Sandspit Volunteer Fire Department for a capital project.
We also approved a total of $215,000 in Food Security spending, as we have in past years. This includes $85,000 to the school district for its very successful school food project, which makes healthy, local food available to all students. The rest will be going to local food banks, meals on wheels, and the Local Foods Pantry program.
Under the Vibrant Haida Gwaii Communities program, we approved $20,000 to the Tlell Volunteer Firefighter’s Association for fire hall maintenance and new gear.
As you can see, these applications cover a wide range of projects across Haida Gwaii, with many focusing on emergency response. Congratulations to the successful applicants. We look forward to seeing the results in our communities.
Our next Arts Grant application deadline is coming up on May 1. This flexible program helped out a variety of creative undertakings last year, including a punk rock band tour, a regalia making workshop, a series of performances by visiting musicians, and a mentorship for a young artist. Please feel free to talk to our office if you have an idea and want to explore how an Arts Grant could help. For more information or to apply online, visit https://www.gwaiitrust.com/grants
Finally, I’d like to invite all islanders to attend our annual general meeting, which will be held at the Port Clements Community Hall on Saturday, April 28 from 1 to 3 pm. We rotate the location of our annual general meeting throughout the islands communities, and this year it is Port Clements’s turn. The AGM is an opportunity for members of the public to meet our directors, find out more about how our Trust operates and learn about what we accomplished in 2017. We’re always interested in hearing from islanders about how the Gwaii Trust has impacted them, and how we can continue building healthy communities. Plus, there will be cupcakes!
By Carla Lutner, Chief Operating Officer